Cloning a Stream

Modified on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 at 09:31 PM

The Clone button gives the users the ability to copy a stream. When you Clone a Stream, the Stream Contents, the Streams configuration like Metadata, Settings, Banner & Header, SEO, and Custom Fields from the parent stream gets cloned.

To Clone a Steam, follow the below steps:

  1. From the Left Nav Menu, click Hubs.
  2. From the Hub page, click the Hub.
  3.  By default, the Hub Dashboard page displays, click Streams from the left menu.
  4. The Stream page displays the Streams that are available in the Hub. Select the Stream Name.   
  5. Click Clone.   
  6. The Clone Stream pop-up window is displayed. By default, the stream name is mentioned, you can change the stream name and enter the stream description. Click Clone. 
  7. A confirmation message of the cloned stream is displayed.   
  8. The Cloned stream is also displayed on the Streams listing page.
  9. On the Cloned Stream page, you can make changes such as adding, removing and organizing assets.

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